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Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-06-28 15:Hi all,I plugged my Pocket POD in a USB port of my PC/Windows XP, and it is detected as a USB Audio device. So far no problem.But when i run Vyzex it does not show any MIDI port that I can select (i.e. The MIDI In port list is empty). Then I have no communication at all with my Pocket POD. I tried to reinstall Vyzex software, and to use a different USB cable, but no successTo describe the context: I don't use any USB hub, the pocket pod does not need a driver (it is confirmed in documentation), my windows XP is fully updated with windows update.I just noticed that when I plugged the Pocket POD the first time, Windows showed that 'Pocked Pod is detected' and then a dialog box openned to ask for driver install. In this dialog box I have the choice to let windows determine the best driver, or to select it by myself.

  1. Install Microsoft Gs Wavetable Synth
  2. Reinstall Microsoft Gs Wavetable Synth

I clicked to let windows decide by itself. Then windows showed the bubble telling me was the device was ready to use. And then Vyzex did not run for the reason explained above “No MIDI port is detected in the list of MIDI In”But the thing strange is that I tried on a PC of a friend and when Windows detected the Pocket POD, it did not show up the driver installation dialog box, and we had directly the bubble saying that the new device was ready to use.

And then on this PC the MIDI ports where available, and Vyzex was running correctly.Thanks again if you can make me progress, I'm stuck with this.Regards,Fabrice. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-06-29 14:Hi Fabrice,Well done: Kudos to you, for solving this one on your own!This is my first post as a moderator - I suspected it was a logitech driver issue, but was not fully set up in the forum to reply until now. It's great to see you've worked it out in the meantime.In the future, anyone encountering the windows class compliant MIDI port not appearing to any Vyzex editor should have a look at this post to confirm their issue is not logitech driver related. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-06-29 15:Hi PsicraftTony,Thanks for your compliments:-) I grabbed some information on a French forum that was related to problems with Logitech Webcams. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-30 21:Having a similar problem myself. I cannot get any MIDI IN port detected, though I do have MIDI OUT ports detected.

I ran through the said troubleshooting (as I did own a logitech cam), and removed all traces of the mentioned driver. After a reboot, I ensured all soundcard/MIDI drivers were up to date, and double checked for presence of the logitech driver as mentioned in previous posts (to which it was completely gone.)After an unsuccessful attempt (still no MIDI IN), I uninstalled and reinstalled the software, again no success.I did ensure that all hookups were complete (1/4' guitar plug was plugged in to guitar, as well as not using a USB hub on computer).Is there anything I may be missing?

Any help is appriciated.before I wind up taking this thing back! Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-30 23:Hi Tiger,It sounds like you may be the victim of the Windows MIDI Device limit issue, which is described in detail in a number of online sources. Basically, when Windows XP has installed over a certain number of MIDI devices, that's all folks- It refuses to show any more that are installed until you delete some of the existing ones.The catch? Windows considers ANY device you've ever connected to be a valid installed device, and it won't show you these installed (although currently unused) MIDI devices in the Device Manager EVEN IF you select the 'Show hidden devices' option.

Fortunately there is a way to force Windows to be honest with you, but it involves writing a key to your registry.NOTE: Editing your registry requires great care - You could prevent Windows from running correctly if you make any mistakes. Psicraft Designs and/or Line 6 will not be responsible if you mess up your windows installation while following this post, so take care or have a qualified friend perform the operation if in doubt.Here is how you can check your Windows XP machine out to make sure your issues are not because of the device limit being reached: First, unplug your Pocket POD's USB cable from the computer, then follow these 10 steps.1. Open Regedit and navigate to the System Key called:HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment.I've attached a GIF that shows what this key should generally look like (it appears as a folder), although your system may differ.2. If there is an entry called DEVMGRSHOWNONPRESENTDEVICES already there, make sure its value is set to 1. If the value is missing from within the Key, Right-Click over the listing and select NEW-String Value from the pop-up menu.3. Rename the new REGSZ (String Value) to DEVMGRSHOWNONPRESENTDEVICES and set its value to 1. (1 = show all hidden devices, incidentally).4.

Your Registry view should now match the posted GIF in that the new key is named identically, is a REGSZ type, and has a value of 1. Exit regedit and restart your machine.5. On restart, open your control panel, select the system icon, select the Hardware tab in the System Properties dialog and then press the 'Device Manager' button. Now for the magic part: Open Device Manager's View menu and check the 'Show hidden devices' option.6. With the new registry key in place, Device Manager will actually do something for a change when this option has been checked. You can now click on the 'Sound, video and game controllers' icon and you'll see all the ghost MIDI and Audio interfaces that windows has installed.7.

Delete any ghosted out 'USB Audio Device' icons you see. If you see any MIDI interface drivers for hardware you no longer own, feel free to delete these too. If you delete a ghosted driver for hardware you still own, this will not cause any harm except to require you to reinstall the drivers the next time you connect that MIDI device.8. For good measure, click on the 'Universal Serial Bus controllers' icon and delete any ghosted USB Composite devices you see (especially if there are lots of them): This will require that Windows reinstall drivers the next time you reconnect some of your less used peripherals, but this should not be a problem.9. Make sure that darned logitech webcam driver is not hanging around in ghost form!

Delete it if you find it.10. Now reboot and reconnect Pocket POD. Once Windows informs you the device is ready to use, launch Vyzex and see if the Pocket POD's MIDI in ports are now available.Please let me know if this helps, and above all - Be careful in there! Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-31 09:Hi PsicraftTony,Thanks for the expiedient's a breath of fresh air!So I made the reg entry as requested, and opened the device manager, only to find no ghosted items. I've attatched a GIF so you can see exactly what I saw when I opened the device manager.more specifically the 'Sound, video and game controllers', as well as the 'Universal Serial Bus controllers' columns.

As you will see, there were not ghosted items.more to follow.Message was edited by: Tiger963. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-31 10:Hey Tiger,Did you also make sure to select the 'View-Show Hidden Devices' option from the Device Manager window's pull-down menu? I find it surprising that you didn't see any ghosted items with the reg key I explained earlier enabled. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-31 far I have made some progress, though not quite in the direction I wish to go!I can safely assume this is not a software problem on Vyzex's side of the house. I think this is a soundcard/hardware issue on mine. I am currently using a Yamaha AC-XG soundcard on a toshiba satellitepro 6100 (don't's paid for!).I installed an internal MIDI port replicator (ie.

LoopBE30) to try to simulate a MIDI IN connection on my side.which it did! So now when I open VyZex, I get no warning about MIDI just looks for data from the pPod.

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Unfortunatly, this software only allows internal transfers of MIDI data from one application to the next (pure software based),so naturally no data was just identified it as a MIDI in source.which solves the no port problem.more or less!I think I need to either change out my hardware, or find some software that will simulate/replicate a MIDI IN device on my computer.If anyone else has run into this kind of problem, I would appreciate any input on its soloution!Thanks for everyones time & effort on the original's greatly appreciated!Message was edited by: Tiger963. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-31 15:Hi Tiger,I think you may be off-track with the MIDI port replicator: Pocket POD should be detected as a class-compliant MIDI device when you plug in the USB cable to your computer. Things to be sure of:1. Don't connect Pocket POD to a hub - Only connect directly to your machine.2.

Make sure a guitar cable is plugged into Pocket POD when you try to run Vyzex.3. On Windows XP, Pocket POD will appear in the MIDI Ports list in the Vyzex 'MIDI-MIDI In Ports' and MIDI-MIDI Out Ports' items as 'USB Audio Device'.

If you see it here, make sure to select it. Before proceeding.At any rate, you can rule out the sound card as causing the trouble by temporarily removing the soundcard as a test. If your problems persist with the sound card out, the problem is somewhere else.Please let me know how it goes. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-31 an attempt to start at square one, I uninstalled my USB drivers from my laptop, knowing that they would reinstall once I carried out a reboot. After they reinstalled, I plugged in the pPod, only to find that the 'found new hardware' bubble appeared, and it went on to install drivers for the 'line6 usb device'.I was under the impression this was not supposed to happen. As a note, the install of these drivers had hung up for quite some time until I unplugged the pPod from the computer, to which the install said that my hardware was now ready to use.I always ensure it's plugged into the USB on the back of my laptop, as well as a guitar cable is plugged in to the unit.As an aside, I installed a MIDI device app to detect what devices were installed on my computer.

It told me the same story as inputs, and 3 outputs. I also use GuitarPro 5, which tells a similar story. I wonder If I am missing some MIDI drivers.As far as I can tell, MIDI is simply a communications protocol between musical devices, so my sound card should be physically able to handle both, seeing that it does handle MIDI outputs.Let me know if the install process needs to be tweaked, or if I need to do something different. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-31 without jumping to conclusions, the fine folks at my local music shop (who are equally as interested to see how this pans out), allowed me to exchange my pPod unit straight up.

I got it home, did the same thing, with the same results (isn't that the definition of insanity?).To this point, I have removed all MIDI port replicators, and now am basically where I started MIDI in, 3 MIDI out, and a guitar screaming for attention.I look forward to your response. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-07-31 19:Recent events.I decided to remove all cam drivers off of my computer, and see if there was any deconfliction in the install process of the pPod.

I had a logitech cam (which was previously mentioned), as well as a samsung sports camcorder (that could function as a webcam as well). I removed both of the drivers through the 'Add/Remove Programs' function under the Control Panel. After a reboot, I plugged the pPod back into the computer. Lo and Behold the 'found new hardware' balloon appeared.installing a 'USB Audio Device'. It went through the same procedure it typically does (connect to the net to find drivers one time only), then started to copy files for the driver. The difference this time was an error at the end of the install, stating that a installation.INF was no good.

Now if memory serves me right, I had this same trouble when I was installing my Samsung Camcorder drivers back in the day(which are now removed). I think that the Logitech thing may be solved, but now Samsung has it's sticky little fingers in the pie. Anyhow.same result.3 outs, 0 ins.Food for thought. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-08-01 00:Please check this attached capture to see what the properties dialog for the USB Audio Device should look like.

You can open this dialog on your system by right-clicking over the USB Audio Device icon and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.If you could post screen captures of what your windows device manager shows in the Sound, video and game controllers area (and the properties of any USB Audio Device you find there) this would be helpful.Hang in there - We'll figure this one out eventually. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-08-02 18:Hello all gurus and Tiger,I have same problem as yours until the last diagnostics screens.Environment differences: I have French WinXP Pro SP2. I have a Shuttle desktop with NVIDIA all-in-1 ship.IMPORTANT: The XP installation never met any Logitech Webcam plugged in.1) I had anyhow lot of ghosted Composite USB devices, which I removed accordingly with the registry editing then reboot2) I don't have anymore Composite USB devices3) When I plugged the pPod with Guitar Jack plugged in to the PC's USB (front panel), the bubble appears with 4 or 5 transiting messages: 'new hardware detected', 'Line 6 Pocket Pod.' , 'new hardware ', 'Composite USB.' , 'new hardware ready for use.' (Of course, these are my own translation from french).4) Then on Vyzex: 0 Midi IN portIn list box, only 'USB Audio Device' which is not a synonym for my pPod.

And I think that normal working pPod with WinXP should bring up 'Line6 Pocked Pod' as choice for Midi IN port. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-08-24 16:Hello you all,here I am back again.To deal with my problem, I reinstalled bulk my Shuttle with WinXP sp2, added very few software afterwards (Nvidia drivers, NIC drivers).

I have no Webcam, and installed none Logitech driver. I have just a Labtec cheap standard wired mouse and a Logitech keyboard which can work without a specific driver.There I installed Psycraft Vizex, and plugged the pPod (with jack pugged in) to the Shuttle PC. Then I hoped for the best, but like ZenWay101 (case with brand new PC with winXP) this time, I have no luck again: 'USB Audio Device'.Notice: while XP first recognizes the device, I show in Device Manager the '?' Icon labelled with 'Line6 Pocket Pod' in very first tree section, but when all installed and recognized, the icon jumps to 'Audio, Video, Game controllers' tree section (so well known device) but labelled 'USB Audio Device'.I hope you have a better diagnostic of the case. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-08-24 19:Here is something to check from within Vyzex:1.

Choose the MIDI-MIDI In Ports. Menu item from the Vyzex application's menu: Do you see the USB Audio Device here and is it selected? If you want the program to auto-configure itself you also need to make sure that the 'Always Start with All MIDI Ports Open' item is checked in the MIDI In Ports dialog.2. Choose the MIDI-MIDI Out Ports.

Menu item from the Vyzex application's menu: Do you see the USB Audio Device here and is it selected? If you want the program to auto-configure itself you also need to make sure that the 'Always Start with All MIDI Ports Open' item is checked in the MIDI In Ports dialog.Please post back here with your results and we'll take this to the next level. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-08-24 19:Tony,I did what you said about going into the regedit and making/turning-on the 'show nonpresent devices' key; then went into the device manager and followed the steps, and everything worked - it was great!!But then i unplugged everything and came back to it later and now it's back to 'not connecting'.

I've been trying the steps over-and-over and trying other stuff too, and nothing.Is it possible that Psicraft can make a driver that forces the midi connection?Or maybe if there's even a 3rd party driver since Microshaft hasn't updated the driver since 2001. LOL.I'll keep trying things, and hopefully this mouse will get thru the maze and find the cheese.Thanks again.

Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-08-24 22:Hi Zen,Can you clarify what you mean by 'not connecting'? If you unplugged everything and then came back later with the program still running and plugged Pocket POD back in there will be a failure in the MIDI driver since the program needs to see it plugged in when it starts up - If you unplug Pocket POD and then replug it without restarting the program immediately after, the USB MIDI ports will not be accessable to the program (although the software will think they are available until you try to close the program).So bottom line, if you unplug Pocket POD while the software is running:1. Save your work,2. Close the Vyzex editor program,3.

Reconnect Pocket POD,4. Reopen the Vyzex editor program.This will restore the MIDI connection that was disrupted during the disconnection of the USB cable.If on the other hand you are seeing a 'grey' or empty window in Vyzex, there may be a configuration problem in the program. Please post a screen capture if this is the case and we'll deal with this separate problem.There are a few other possibilities that I will work you through in the event the two here don't work for you. Please post here with details. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-08-26 11:Hi Tony,By 'not' connecting' i mean that the midi ports are not connecting. I've been trying every possible fix that's been talked about and the only one that has worked thus far was after the very first time that i did the 'ghosted device manager' fix.

I do not have an acc't with any photobucket type sites right now, so posting screen shots is not possible - at this moment.Here's the error that keeps coming up:AutoSense could not find the Line 6 Pocket POD.Please set this instruments's MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports, Comm Channel and MIDI channel manually from the Studio Window.The ports are set correctly, but still no connecty.;-)There is one odd instance that i did observe (i don't know if it means anything though). Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-09-05 05:Hmm, the 'Windows MIDI Device limit issue' solution described in this thread worked for me for two weeks - but when I tried to connect my Pocket POD yesterday, it could not be found by the Vyzex Software (although it is responding in some way, the display illuminates when the software tries to find the device).Again I tried to delete unused USB Audio Devices, but this time it's not working. I use a Logitech G3 Laser Mouse and a Logitech Keyboard (there's no Logitech webcam installed) and I read in these forums that there might be a conflict with the drivers, but I don't see how to solve this.After spending several hours trying to connect my Pocket POD to the Vyzex Software, I'm quite frustrated. From a technical point of view, I understand that Logitech's drivers might be the cause of this problem. But as a user, all I see is that I (and I guess many others) just can't get the Pocket POD to work with the Vyzex Software.

Wouldn't it be smarter to use a custom driver like many other hardware producers do?I really like the Pocket POD, but it could be much better without these connection issues and an improved software. Tuning the tones in the Vyzex software works fine, but organising tones in in my opinion a real pain.CheersThorsten.

Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-09-04 13:well no soup for me i guess. Tried the regedit but i dont see anything that says 'lower filters'tried checking the device manager per fcapelle but there is nothing in there called 'LVUSBSTA.sys'i reinstalled the vyztec software and when i first ran it i got the no midi ports and when i clicked yes to choose them myself there was nothing in the box. For the midi out portion it detected microsoft wavesynth something or other. Then went into the midi options after the prog opened and checked the midi in and it showed the usb device. In the midi out it showed both the usb device as well as the microsoft wavesynth thing.the thing is, my taskbar last week when i was trying to set this up, would get a little dialogue bubble saying the pod was detected but now it's not showing that, however i assume it is being detected since it now shows in the midi in and out settings.i had hoped this was going to just be a plug and play type of thing but this is kinda driving me nuts. I love the pocket pod but i have almost no technical knowhow and i know if i start messing around with regedit and whatnot i am more than likely gonna screw something i have just noticed that the last reply to this thread was july.31/07 so has there been a fix issued for this or something?

Need help as i am really losing my mind over this.what now? Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-09-05 10:Hi Thorsten,If you are using a Logitech Laser Mouse then its driver is causing the trouble: Windows will reinstall the problem driver whenever it detects the mouse attached to a new port, which is why the device limit fix stopped working after a certain period of time.Organizing tones is actually quite easy in Vyzex Pocket POD once you start using the bank copy and paste functions and take advantage of the collection window's features: What are you finding difficult to use in particular?

Please feel free to respond by starting a new thread on the topic of tone management and I will certainly contribute to it. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-09-06 02:Thanks, Tony.The tone organisation workflow is logical and I learned it by reading the tone management manual. But I've got the feeling that either the workflow or maybe just the manual could be optimised to 'improve the overall experience':-).I'd like to write down some detailed thoughts on this but first I have to revive my Pocket POD connection. I uninstalled the Logitech SetPoint Software and the Logitech mouse driver - my G3 Laser Mouse is listed as a 'HID conform mouse' now. I removed the USB Audio Device and connected the Pocket POD to force a fresh installation of the driver - but it is still not found by the Vyzex software.

By the way - the Pocket POD's display still reacts when the Vyzex software tries to find it. Do you know what exactly causes the problem? I appreciate all hints. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-09-06 21:Hi Thorsten,The new Quick-Start manual PDF is intended to be a more tutorial based approach, but it's quite short in order to qualify as a 'QUICK' start. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-09-08 07:The 'show hidden devices' option is checked and I really deleted all phantom drivers from 'Audio Video and Game Controllers' and 'USB Controllers'.

This trick just doesn't seem to work anymore (I tried it on my girlfriend's XP machine and everything works fine so I think the Pocket POD is working properly).If I start the Vyzex software on my computer, the Pocket POD is not found but it is definitely initialised. The display shows 'Line 6. Version 1.00. Browse By: STYLE'.Any ideas? Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-09-09 04:Hmm, I tried to narrow down the problem and it really seems to be a conflict with my Logitech G3 mouse. As I told, I deinstalled the Logitech software and my mouse is listed as a 'HID conform mouse' now.If I disable the mouse in the device manager, I can start the Vyzex software and the connection to my Pocket POD just works fine. If I reactivate the driver, the connection to my Pocket POD breaks.I tried it with an older Logitech Mouse which was automatically installed as a 'Logitech WheelMouse (USB)' and this mouse produces no conflict.Maybe I can replace the 'HID conform mouse' driver or change it's parameters in regedit.

Re: Problem with Vyzex - No software is detectedby on 2007-09-28 20:Hi:I have the same basic problem. I have Windows XP OS. I had the same problem described in Fcapelle's post of 6/27/07 and tried the fix he suggested through regedit.

Install Microsoft Gs Wavetable Synth

I followed that the plugged in my pocket pod. The first time it was plugged in I got the 'line 6 detected' balloon but then did the software did not download and nothing shows up in my program list, so it appears I am worse off than before. I'm by no means a computer guru but am not inept either. However, I'm COMPLETELY stumped as to what to do now.

Please help before I there is a murder/suicide involving my computer and my pocket pod (.Chris. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-10-06 13:Hi,I have the same problem - the Vyzex software is not connecting to the pocket POD.So far I have:Reg hacked to removed Upper and Lower filtersTurned on the hidden devices and removed several USB Audio Devices that were ghosted.I do have a webcam (its built into the laptop), but it is not logitech. In fact, I don't have any logitech stuff at all. I have also deleted a ghosted Syntek camera capture device.Still no luck, Vyzex is not connecting to the pocket POD.Can you advise me on what to try next?

Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-10-07 02:Hi CatB,There are two things to try. The first is to confirm that your issue is actually a driver problem: If you launch Vyzex and open the MIDI-MIDI In Ports dialog can you see either 'USB Audio Device' (if on XP) or 'Line 6 Pocket POD' (if on Vista)?If you can't see the Pocket POD's MIDI port here, then you do have a driver issue and should try connecting your Pocket POD to a different XP, Vista or Mac OS X 10.4 computer that you have access to: If the problem persists on another machine, it could be a hardware problem with your particular Pocket POD. At that point I'd suggest trading your Pocket POD for another and trying that on the original computer, provided you picked up your Pocket POD from a local retailer. Whatever you find out, please post here so we're all in the loop.If on the other hand, Pocket POD's MIDI port is shown, you don't have a driver issue and the problem is likely in the configuration of the program. Please start up a new thread on the forum and we'll work out a solution if this is the case. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-10-15 07:Good morning, All.So, I've joined the ranks of those who've taken the plunge on the PocketPOD and I totally agree that this thing rocks! I cannot get my PC to speak to the PP either.

My PC is running Windows 2000, and when I plug the PocketPOD into the USB port, the machine doesn't even recognize it, although the red light is flashing.Something else funky. When I plug the USB cable into the PC and then plug it into the PP, the machine blue screens over and over again! I finally tried plugging the cable and a guitar cable into the unit and then plugging it into the PC which kept things going. But when I fire up the Vyzex software, it goes through looking for MIDI ports (none of which is USB) and of course fails.

The only version I could find on the net was the 1.0, so I'd love 1.05 if that will fix the problem, so maybe someone can post the link to that version for me.So from everyones experience, do I have a POD, driver, application, or Windows problem? After reading the posts, I saw the notations about Logitech drivers, btu I don not have any of those installed on my PC.Thanks ahead of time to any who can help make things better. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-10-15 10:Hi Showbiz,Page 1 of the Vyzex Pocket POD quick-start guide has the explanation to this problem:1.

What are the minimum requirements for the program?PC Windows XP and Vista. NOTE: Windows 2000 does not include a class compliant MIDI driver, so the Windows 2000 operating system is therefore not compatible with Pocket POD.This is the root of all your troubles, including the blue-screen crashes. Although the Vyzex Pocket POD software can be adapted to work on Windows 2000, the lack of a MIDI USB driver on Windows 2000 makes this a moot point.Now might be a good time to upgrade your OS to XP. It really is a superior operating system to Win 2000 for music production: Aside from the class-compliant USB MIDI driver, it's a lot more stable and has support for USB 2.0. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-12-06 04:Bought myself a Pocket Pod. Downloaded Vyzex software and unzipped it correctly BUT when I try to connect the PP, the vyzex software won't even open. I get a message that reads 'can't open MIDI out port usb audio device.

Driver may already be in use', and I tried all 3 USB sockets on the laptop. I have had a Yamaha Magicstomp pedal for a couple of years which is MIDI connected to my PC and my wife's laptop in order to deep-edit the patches AND this works brilliantly but this comes with its own driver.

I have even tried going into the Yamaha software and un-choosing the midi port in its set-up.I have read some of the threads in the forum but to be honest I have no intention of editing the registry of my PC or laptop to suit one program when everything else works fine. I can confirm that if I unplug the PP while looking in device manager the USB audio device and USB controller-USB composite device icons disappear as mentioned in one of the previous postings. XP also tells me when the PP is plugged in that it has been plugged in, what it is, and that it is ready to use.Help!!Also saw a message about writing the query as a question so others can get 'points'. How do you do that?Message was edited by: davenpermMessage was edited by: davenperm. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-12-11 03:I have a G7 mouse and a G15 keyboard (Logitech) and obviously I can’t manage to connect my pocket pod with Wyzec.

Reinstall Microsoft Gs Wavetable Synth

First I tried with the fcapelle solution: but I didn’t find any LVUSBSTA in my computer.Then I removed all the ghost devices, ad described by tiger.Then I uninstalled all the Logitech drivers and reboot the systemNO WAY!!! It can’t find the MIDI IN port.

The computer detects the device being connected and disconnected (it makes the USB Connect/Disconnect sound).Is there anything I can try before throwing everything out of the window?Thanks! Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-12-12 01:Hi Tony,I can confirm it. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2007-12-13 00:I installed the Logitech update, no improuvments.I discovered that the problem is with the MIDI OUT: when I connect the pod the MIDI IN seems to be correctly connected to a “USB audio device” while the MIDI OUT is connected to the “sint SW Microsoft GS wavetable”. If I try to change it manually to the USB audio device it doesn’t work. I continuously hear the sound of connection and logoff of the USB device. I don’t have a separate audio card (like sound blaster or whatever) but only the chipset on the motherboard. It works with a Codec audio driver: it could be the problem?

Should I update it?Please help me: I’m really disappointed! I’ve spent three sleepless night fighting with this rubbish! Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-01-26 01:Hello all!I think I may be able to add some helpful info to this discussion. It's gonna be long.First, let me state three general things I learned:1.

I found the final key to my midi problem in PsicraftTonys reg edit.2. It worked for two devices, and neither was a Line 6 product.(Wait, don't leave!)3. It's not Line 6 or any other hardware/driver problem. It's Windows. My issue was with an RME Fireface 400(firewire audio interface), a MOTU midiexpress128, an M-Audio Midisport 8x8 and 4x4(the previous three are usb midi patchbays), and finally, Sonar 6.My issue started after I rebuilt my computer in April '07. I installed the Fireface, 8x8, 4x4, and Sonar on XP SP2.

The 2 midi ports on the Fireface never would show up anywhere. The audio side worked fine. At the time, the only thing RME could really suggest was an OS reinstall. I didn't really need them so I didn't bother.

Due to frustrations with the 8x8, enter the MOTU. This was last night. I pull out the 8x8 and install the MOTU, and guess what?

No midi ports in Sonar. Just the 4x4. The MOTU driver was installed and running.

The only thing I found was in 'DMgr-MOTU Midi Device(replace w/ Pocket Pod)-Properties tab- device Properties' it stated the driver was enabled but had not been started.Step 1: I went back to RME. I found this link:It tackles the same issue that PsicraftTony is talking about, but from another direction.

I don't think this method has been mentioned here, yet. I would suggest this. If you tried everything here and still have no midi port, try it. It may or may not do the trick.

It did not work for me, right away.I only had 3 midi entries. I deleted 2, leaving the one that mentioned the Midisport 4x4. Like I said, it didn't work. I do believe it to be part of the solution, though. I may be wrong.Step 2: I Removed all midi devices and scoured the registry for any mention of any of the related devices. There were still links to the 8x8. I removed everything I found.

I wouldn't advise this unless you are sure. It still didn't help. I reinstalled the MOTU, only, and still got no midi ports. The 4x4 would load, no problem.

I removed everything again.Step 3: More internet searching led me here. I almost didn't click the link because I saw it was for a Line 6 product and didn't think it would relate.

I am glad I did. Btw, THANK YOU, PsicraftTony! That reg mod is great! But, due to my experience last night, I have to expand a little on your explanation. I added the string and deleted the ghosts for usb and sound, video, and game controllers.

I even checked for the logitech driver. It still did not work. I was just about beaten at this point. I was about to resign myself to reinstalling Windows.

As I sat for a minute, I went back to DevMgr. I love Windows tweaks, so I decided to investigate PsicraftTony's tweak further.

I went through every category. I found tons of ghosts! I went about removing them, especially ones that dealt with any hardware. For instance, under Monitors, there were 8 ghosts! I also found that the wonderful general category 'Other Devices'(it has a yellow question mark symbol) had 3 ghosts for 'USB Devices'.

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There were four ghost of previous hard drives under 'Disk Drives'. The last thing I found and deleted was under 'IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers'. There were 2 sets(primary and secondary) of IDE controller ghost. These were from my old IDE drives I transferred over to the new SATA drives back in April. I switched off the IDE controller in the bios when the transfer was complete, back in April. Obviously, the drivers stayed in Windows.

I removed them and rebooted. At that moment only the Fireface and MOTU were installed, no 4x4. For the heck of it, I opened Sonar. It told me I needed to assign the new midi ports. Sure enough, not only did the MOTU(all 8 ports) show up, so did the long lost 2 midi ports on the Fireface.

I reinstalled the 4x4. Now, everything works and is visible.So.Basically, what worked for me was 1)doing the RME suggested tweaks, 2)registry/driver cleaning, 3)doing all the tweaks listed here, and 4)expanding the ghost hunt to any and all hardware. Just try to think logically about the ghosts.

I knew I didn't have 8 freaking monitors, so I knew I was safe removing them. Like Psi said, as long as you have the drivers, removing the wrong ghost won't matter.I hope this can help someone. This thread helped me solve mine. It's almost been a year since I first ran into this issue. I am so thankful to have it solved, finally!

Thanks so much! And remember, this is Microsoft's fault. It usually is.Bill. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-01-31 17:LIne6 is awesome, but I am greatly annoyed that the product does not do what I expected. I expected it to come with a cd to install for laymen users, that would make it perfectly simple to go to their website and download sounds. I can probably learn from forums how to fix it, but its really annoying.Also, can hackers screw up our pocket pods by loading corrupt files on the internet that we think are tones and crash our pocket pods or infect our computers? Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-01-31 23:Hi Make,I think we all agree it's very annoying that Microsoft has such a vulnerable class-compliant MIDI driver, but this is hardly Line 6's fault.

As for the CD idea, it's a good one but since we're already officially up to version 1.05 (with more on the way) this disc would be obsolete by now anyway. All such a disc would have done is bump up the street price of Pocket POD.As for the hacker angle, no fear. There is absolutely no way that anyone could use the L6T or Vyzex file format as a trojan horse to upload viruses to your computer or Pocket POD. The worst you'd get is a file that wouldn't load as a useful sound.I see from your other post today that you're having driver conflict issues - I will respond to that and see to it that you're on the road to recovery now.Best,PsicraftTony.

Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-01-31 23:Hi Make,I am assuming you're on Windows XP. Please correct me if this is wrong.Firstly: You're plugging in Pocket POD and allowing windows to recognize it before you try running the Vyzex editor?Next, when you open the Vyzex editor, the autosense procedure fails?Finally, when you open the MIDI-IN Ports menu item, you can't see the 'USB Audio Device' listed?Please let me know and we'll take this to the next level.Tony. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-01 00: Hi Make, I am assuming you're on Windows XP.

Please correct me if this is wrong. Firstly: You're plugging in Pocket POD and allowing windows to recognize it before you try running the Vyzex editor? Next, when you open the Vyzex editor, the autosense procedure fails? Finally, when you open the MIDI-IN Ports menu item, you can't see the 'USB Audio Device' listed?

Please let me know and we'll take this to the next level. wrote:Yes that is what is happening. I also have a logitech webcam, if that makes a difference. I heard some other posts that the camera can bug the pocket pod from working. Its a pretty sucky camera too, get the MicroSuck one that works better.I wish the pod pocket came with a cd to install that would just make it work fast, like the camera.

Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-10 16:Boy, this is a loooong damned thread!I got the same Autosense Failed that everyone else did. I clicked Okay, and the software went through some search sequence and found what it needed.The software interface came up with the current setting on which I left the Pocket Pod. I checked it for operation by tweaking the settings, and my guitar responded. By the way, I didn't have the aforementioned Logitech driver on my PC.I've only hooked up the Pocket Pod once to my PC. I don't know if the same thing will happen when I do it again. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-10 18:Hi Pete,Actually, the 'AutoSense Failed!' Message you got is the standard dialog box message that the program shows when you first run it (and no saved MIDI settings can be found).

The program was only telling you that it needed to open all MIDI ports and search for Pocket POD. In your case, it did this and configured itself without issues.We've had the wording of this warning dialog changed in the next version of Vyzex Pocket POD so that nobody mistakes this initial message with a legitimate 'AutoSense was unable to detect the Pocket POD' message.In the meantime relax - You don't have any worries in this area.Cheers,Tony. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-12 02:Maybe you don't have to hire a computer guy to clear out the Logitech driver and fix the problem. Please try this first:1.

Make sure the Logitech webcam is plugged in.2. Go back to the Control Panel and launch the 'System' application3.

Click on the 'Hardware' tab and press the 'Device Manager' button.4. Look through the items until you find the Logitech Webcam - It may be under the 'Other devices' icon, or it may be in 'Sound, video and game controllers' or it may be under 'Universal Serial Bus controllers'. When you find it, select the icon and hit the delete key and click 'OK' to complete.5.

Unplug the Logitech webcam now. This step is very important!6. Open the Control Panel and open the 'Add or Remove Programs' item.7.

Look for any software in the list that begins with Logitech and seems related to your webcam.8. Uninstall it.9. Now reboot your computer.As long as you don't reconnect your Logitech webcam, your system should remain free of the Logitech driver and therefore the problem should be solved.

Please give this a shot and let me know if this works for you. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-12 21:Ok its still worth $129 because it is fun to use and makes me practice more, but if I can't get it to work with the internet or vysex its just a funny looking delay pedal to me.I deleted the logitech stuff. It still says MIDI PORTSThere are no MIDI IN PORTS selected. Select YES to choose the ports now. If you do not choose any ports, the program will not recieve MIDI.I selected Start with all Midi ports open and put the number to 0 buffers as has been suggested, but it won't let me click on any of the boxes on the right. If i buy some kind of midi cable adapter thing can I use it then?I sure hope something new and better comes out that is not 5 times the price.

I hate microsuck but I am not an educated electronics consumer. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-12 21:Hi Make,Although the MIDI IN Ports dialog says to set # of buffers to 0, this advice only applies if you never plan to receive SysEx data (which is what the program needs to do if you want to get any tone data from Pocket POD).Please set these parameters back to the defaults:# of Buffers: 15Buffer Size: 7000Then click OK to close the dialog, and exit the program.Now restart the Vyzex Pocket POD program and see if it works.

Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-20 19:I uninstalled the vysex stuff, then put in the 1.05 version. Looks cool, the instructions look better.

I can turn the knobs around but it doesn't change the sounds or settings. The midi thing says 15 and 7000 like you said. I am sure its something really simple: Gateway sucks, and microsoft sucks, and logitech sucks, but I don't know jack about computers. Still beats playing baseball with a slat and a rock.

If I don't find a computer whiz to fix it in a couple months, i'll sell my pocket pod and buy a used amp head on ebay. Thanks for trying. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-02-20 19:I uninstalled the vysex stuff, then put in the 1.05 version.

Looks cool, the instructions look better. I can turn the knobs around but it doesn't change the sounds or settings.The little green light comes on the 'gui' screen when clicking on stuff, but it won't get anything from the pod. The midi thing says 15 and 7000 like you said. I am sure its something really simple: Gateway sucks, and microsoft sucks, and logitech sucks, but I don't know jack about computers. Still beats playing baseball with a slat and a rock. If I don't find a computer whiz to fix it in a couple months, i'll sell my pocket pod and buy a used amp head on ebay.

Thanks for trying. Re: Problem with Vyzex - No MIDI port is detectedby on 2008-03-08 14:Hi Tony,First i just want to say I really appreciate all the help you have been giving and you have been very polite to us. Im getting a problem like this very similar to Lewah, The pocket pod appears on my device manager as 'USB audio device', i checked Vyzex and yes in both cases, in ports and out ports there is a 'USB audio device' i tried selecting them to see if it would work but the computer and the ppod do not interact. Im sorry to come all the way back to this post in August. Thanks for the help.Alex.