Serverliste Fur Emule Downloadenvanyoutube - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News.Latest Version:0.50a Community: 0.51d.:eMule NAV.:Site SearchWelcomeWhat is eMule?At dawn of May 13th 2002 a guy called Merkur was dissatisfied with theoriginal eDonkey2000 client and was convinced he could do better. Hegathered other developers around him, and eMule Project was born.

  1. Emule Server List 2019
  2. Serverliste Fur Emule Downloadenvanyoutube Windows 10

Their aim wasto put the client back on track where eDonkey had been famous before, addingtons of new features and a nice GUI. They couldn't imagine what impact thisdecision would have.As of today, eMule is one of the biggest and most reliable peer-to-peer filesharing clients around the world. Thanks to it's open source policy manydevelopers are able to contribute to the project, making the network moreefficient with each release.What does eMule mean?The name 'eMule' comes from an animal called 'Mule' which is somehow similar toa donkey;)How often is eMule updated?eMule is not updated regularly, but at the moment the frequencies are between 1and 3 months. Don't take this for guaranteed.:)A list of a few features available.Clients use several networks to create one reliable network. (ED2K,Source Exchange, Kad).Kad is now in an open testphase, eMule v0.42 can be enabled to use Kad.eMule's Queue and Credit system helps to ensure that everyone willget the file he wants by promoting those that upload back to the network.eMule is completely free. eMule is also completely free of anyAdware, Spyware, and ect.

Serverliste Fur Emule DownloadenvanyoutubeServerliste

Ed2k is basic communication server in eMule, you won’t find there any files, they're just used to search for files at other users’ PCs connected to server you use or another. Although you don't have to update serverlist before first connect.

Emule Server List 2019


Serverliste Fur Emule Downloadenvanyoutube Windows 10

As soon as eMule connects to server, it offers many intelligent features such as exchanging source information between clients or automatic update of known servers. With every connection you get an ID (identification), which lets other servers recognize you. Below you can find safe eMule servers!1eDonkey Server No2eDonkey.Network54ms24 423 (10%)17 383 (71%)250 000 0002eDonkey Server No3eDonkey.Network54ms25 098 (10%)18 382 (73%)250 000 0003eMule Securitywww.emule-security.o26ms21 887 (29%)15 605 (71%)75 000 0014GrupoTS ServerEl foro de las serie399ms6 476 (26%)3 238 (50%)25 0007 5007 5005PEERATES.NET163 (5%)10 249 (72%)300 5 0006PeerBootereDonkey bridge for k12ms25 947 (10%)18 969 (73%)250 5 0007TV UndergroundOperated by TVUnderg49ms60 807 (12%)39 223 (65%)500 000 000.