Eme Program Downstate Medical

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  1. Downstate Medical School

The Program in Premedical Studies works closely with each student to support them during the journey to professional school. We do so in the following ways: Self- Assessment AppointmentsAll undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students are required to meet with us at least once each semester to determine their competitiveness for professional school. It is also a great time for students to have their questions answered, meet with staff, and learn about clinical exposure, community service programs, etc. Self-Assessment appointments are mandatory for all students.

Clinical Exposure and Community Service OpportunitiesOnce part of PPS, students will begin receiving emails regarding clinical exposure opportunities, community service activities, seminar and other events happening on the CCNY campus and throughout NYC. Professional School MaterialsWe have a library of the following information helpful to students:. MCAT and DAT Prep Books. Professional School Directorieso MSAR (Medical School Admissions Requirementso The ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schoolso The Veterinary Medical School Admissions Requirements (VMSAR)o Osteopathic Medical College Information Book Kaplan Test Prep DiscountThanks to the generosity and legacy of CCNY alumni, Stanley Kaplan, all City College students (undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students) receive 50% of all Kaplan Test Prep products (MCAT, DAT, OAT, GRE) and classes. Early Medical Education Program at SUNY Downstate College of MedicineThe Program in Premedical Studies is part of the consortium of colleges that participate in the Early Medical Education Program with SUNY Downstate College of Medicine. The EME Program is ' An initiative to increase the competitiveness of undergraduate pre-medical students, early in their college career. The program is designed to provide medical science lectures and academic support.

Downstate Medical School

All of the lectures include a case-based learning approach.' If accepted to the EME Program, CCNY undergraduate students will have the opportunity to spend three summers on the Sunny Downstate campus and receive a conditional acceptance to SUNY Downstate College of Medicine. CCNY Premedical Studies Annual Volunteer FairThe Premedical Studies Volunteer Fair is held annually and is an outreach effort to bring together non-profit organizations to the CCNY campus to recruit CCNY pre-med, pre-dental and pre-vet students for their organizations. CCNY Premedical Studies Medical & Dental School FairThe Medical & Dental School Fair is held annually and is an opportunity for CCNY/CUNY undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students to meet with invited representatives from medical (MD and DO) and dental schools across the US. We also host panel discussions prior to the fair for students to learn strategies in becoming a competitive applicant to professional schools of medicine and dentistry. ScholarshipsThe Dr. Salk Scholarship AwardCreated by the Board of Estimate of the City of New York in 1955 to honor the City College graduate who developed the first anti-polio vaccine, the Jonas Salk scholarships are awarded annually to eight graduates of the CUNY senior colleges.

DownstateSuny downstate early medical education program

The scholarships are awarded to students who have been accepted to a U.S. Medical school and have performed scientific research as an undergraduate. The student;s research papers are reviewed and recipients are selected for their potential to make significant contributions to medical research. The winners receive a total of $8,000 ($2,000 per year for four-year medical schools to help defray the cost for the M.D., Ph.D., or D.Sc in Biomedical Sciences or D.O.

Degree)Irving (Isaac) Shendell ScholarshipTo undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students admitted to dental school.The Sigmund and Rebecca L. Mage ScholarshipTo assist students in the process of applying to professional schools of medicine, dentistry, optometry, veterinary medicine and podiatry.The Bolognino ScholarshipTo students admitted to medical (MD or DO), opportunity, veterinary or podiatry school.for faculty and staff use.