Decompiler Installshield

Decompiler Installshield

Extract Installshield Exe

This article will show you how to use InstallShield LE From VS2012 to create a Setup file to install an application.And To create setup of Website you can refer this below link:Step 1 - Add InstallShield Project in SolutionFor the first time we need to download software, when we click on the 'OK' button as in the above screen it will open a link to download the InstallShield software. It will look as in the following image:Link: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0Common7IDEExtensionsInstallShieldInstallShieldProject1033InstallShieldult.htmlIf you want to download the Express Edition then follow this link:When you click on the Step 2: Go to the Download Web site you will be able to see the page as in the following image. You just have to download the InstallShield LE software from this page.Install it and now open VS2012 and add the InstallShield project to the solution as shown in following image. Here I have added the WPF application as InstallShieldDemo.App and the InstallShield Project as InstallShieldDemo.Deploy.Step 2 - Give Application InformationAfter adding the InstallShield Project you will be able to see this screen:Then click on Application Information in the bottom of the screen and fill in the information.Step 3 - Click on Installation RequirementsYou can specify requirements for your application. It will check for these things before installation of your application. Then and then it will allow installation.Step 4 - Click on Application FilesIn InstallShield LE the Installation Architecture feature is not available.You can use any of these buttons to insert the application output file or necessary files.